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Showing posts from December, 2018

Question about SEO writing.

So if I hire a writer/freelancer what do I have to give them to make it SEO friendly article. List of words I want? For specific state and 2 word Home Insurance and Florida. Thanks submitted by /u/Dreamiekid [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Question regarding optimizing privacy policy and terms of service content

While doing a client's website seo audit, we noticed their large amount of content in the privacy policy and terms of service pages, making up a huge majority of the site's text content. What are your thoughts on optimizing the terms of service and privacy policy text content to include keywords? Considering consumers never really read these anyway, does it make sense to weave keywords or other content into the legalese? submitted by /u/meta4ia [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Confusing page load data

At the beginning of Dec, Google's PageSpeed Tool gave my wordpress web site a score of 50 for a mobile device. I already had Autoptimize installed. So I added two additional plugins (Async JavaScript,WP Disable) and brought that score up to 78. The page speed score for a desktop computer is 97. A month later Google's webmaster tools show that the average time to download a page has increased from 1192 ms to 1350. What is going on ? and would I be better off removing the plugins? submitted by /u/Mesmer7 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Twitter @ Names!

Post yours below. Mine is @bill_savery - I want to follow more SEO based people. submitted by /u/BillySavery [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Google featured snippets can now jump to section of content it is sourcing

For those that get a lot of traffic to their AMP pages and show up in the featured snippets section, you may want to watch your metrics closely. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

What Amazon Advertising’s big 2018 advancements will mean for 2019

The e-commerce giant’s ad business continued to grow as it made significant updates to its advertising systems and capabilities. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

9 Essential Local SEO & Listings Management Tools by @MaddyOsman

Here are nine of the best local listings management tools and all-in-one local SEO software solutions available today. The post 9 Essential Local SEO & Listings Management Tools by @MaddyOsman appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Fast growing Alexa rank with a traffic exchange service?

My SEO specialist added my website to and in a short time my Alexa rank increased from 10 million to 500,000. I am visible in google without backlinks how is this possible? I had always heard that backlinks are very important but not in this case. submitted by /u/muziekmatch [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Offline spell & grammar check

One overlooked aspect of Seo is good spelling and grammar. I know Ginger / whitesmoke / Grammarly are all good. But they all need the internet. Stylewriter needs MS Word Does anyone know of a spelling / grammar check that works offline? submitted by /u/dtheme [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

How to Completely Optimize Your Google My Business Listing by @searchmastergen

Learn how to optimize your Google My Business listing to boost your local SEO strategy. The post How to Completely Optimize Your Google My Business Listing by @searchmastergen appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Where do you get your backlinks from? are there any paid PBN's?

Back in the day there were many awesome PBN's like Build My Rank and spammy tools that sorta worked like SE Nuke X. Nowadays all my backlinks I buy from blackhat world with varying degrees of success but not like the success I got my BMR. Are there any well known, trustworthy PBN's now? Willing to pay for the right network. submitted by /u/Fidgetwidgets [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Is it good to do rel=“next/prev” for blog page where it lists all the blogs? And enough where there is pagination.

Example is how you click the blog from the nav bar and its. Article 1 Title [title links to full article] Article 1 short summary Article 2 Title [title links to full article] Article 2 short summary times 10 per page the goes to next pages And the pagination links for going back to older articles. Is it good to include the rel next/prev tags or is it unnecessary or just confusing for the search bots? Has anyone tested this? Opinion etc appreciated submitted by /u/Johndoesolderbrother [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

A few SEO questions about tags & keywords

Hello folks, I am trying to optimise my website with product product tags. But how many should i set? Furthermore, how should i set keywords for multiple of the same products? ​ Thank in advance! submitted by /u/businessgains [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

i've followed all the tricks but getting views is difficult

hey yall john here i have a website and make some decent articles about mental health i have a growing insta but i feel like i need more views i've done everything from google search console to rich content. I have nice design fast page speed . Any little tweaks yall got will help me submitted by /u/weirdokid1234 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

SEO vs PPC Advertising

Both of the options are fantastic but people need to understand the difference. SEO is time consuming & a changing process while PPC is quick & result-oriented. Most of us generally go to Google & do the respective search & result depends on various factors. You probably will not know today’s white hat eventually becomes black-hat tomorrow. Anything between white and black hat is called Grey hat techniques. So, you should not cross that line while doing SEO. Also, you need to understand deeply where to stop. So, SEO has few limitations : Slow Process and Results take time. Over the night, your site can be pushed back in the results. SEO driven by content marketing & that is where most of the business owner do not want to spend money. ROI approach is not that clear compared to PPC. Compared to PPC, where you can generate quick results and leads. You need to understand In-Depth concepts of Adwords, FB, Twitter and while mixing this up with re-targeting can g...

Anyone want link building for the new year?

If anyone would like a little bit of help getting more links in 2019, give me a shout. I use different ways to most people as I don't do guest posts and only aim for links from pages that are already live, but if someone's looking for a link builder, I would be happy to help out. Give me a shout and we can discuss further. submitted by /u/sportsnhobbies [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News


If I create a blog with a video at the bottom and transcribe it, could it improve my rankings on google? submitted by /u/BeBennyBe [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Making use of backlinks from suppliers

Hey all, Long story short my father's business had an ecommerce site that went down and never recovered. I'm building him a new site that's mainly to have an online presence and also for contact points with customers (no ecommerce features but maybe that will change down the line). We sell tools from a wide range of highly reputable companies and used to have a large majority of them linking to their specific tool pages on Dad's site as a "you buy purchase our range of tools from this supplier in x location". Now without these branded pages how can I make use of the same backlinks? These companies are happy to link to the new site but I'm not too sure the best way to get the most out of the links. Is it worth having a section of "we sell tools from these well known brands and doing something there?". Thank you for any suggestions submitted by /u/Douges [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News http:/...

how to isolate large DOM > 2500 nodes

The site primarily uses Porto theme and woocommerce with several woocommerce addons. ​ Any suggestions on how to determine what is causing the site to give DOM warnings on Google Page Speed? I have never had a site do this. ​ Only has like 20 pages and 100 products so not a large site. ​ Thank you submitted by /u/twgerber [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Is this an outdated way of doing things? Why can't I find anyone who can accomplish this...

Here’s something that I have ran across which boggles my mind. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place. ​ I am strictly a developer and outsource SEO, but I haven’t found any good SEO partners. I have a bunch of clients that come to me with a business and zero web presence. What I am looking for is basically to level set and get them a website that is optimized for SEO, to obtain from them: ​ ``` - List of services they provide (from which should dictate some of the keyword research) - List of 2-10 competitors in the same space - Any competitive advantage or anything they think that would be useful in creating content for their site - Geographical area ``` ​ From there I would use something like YEXT or Moz Local to ensure their social profiles and directories are uniform, and then I’d like to find a SEO/writer/content producer who would tell me: ​ ``` - Keyword research based on geographical area and services provided - A list of pages and URLs for the pages optimized...

Google Webmaster errors

Does anyone else get errors on Google Webmasters (or whatever it's called these days) that isn't really there. Example. I've a page on the site map that GWM says is not indexed via site map. But on page info and the serps it is. It's still disconcerting to see the site map showing it as not listed..... Yet it is. I've come across this and other strange anomalies over the years. Wondering if others have too? Interestingly re the above site map error if I change the url it gets onto the site map... Again, disconcerting consider its already on the index. submitted by /u/dtheme [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Had google indexed my tumblr blog but missing after a day

I had google crawled and indexed my tumblr blog. It worked after a few hours and I could see my posts by searching tags as keywords but when I tried to search the tags a day later I couldn't find my posts anymore. Keyword search my blog name does show my blog though. submitted by /u/darkcirnoOP [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

How do I test different versions of a home page?

Conceptually I understand A/B testing and its benefits, but how the hell do I do it? I want to test different things–one at a time, of course–on my homepage. Things like; images, headlines, CTAs, etc. I understand how to change them, what I don’t understand is how to change them for only 50% of my visitors and measure the performance. I use WordPress, if that helps. Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit to be posting in, too. Hopefully one of you wizards can help point me in the right direction. submitted by /u/ialwaysmisspenalties [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Technical SEO

I am learning SEO now (kind of fresher) Heard something new today that is technical SEO in which there is no need of content writing, backlinks and other stuff its SEO is done automatically by its coding (i think it must be very clean code or something) also the same person told me amazon uses this technique I want to know your opinion and more about it Sorry for bad English submitted by /u/Paradox811 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Tried to install a shortlink - took down entire merch website

Hi all - I tried to use rebrandly on my website, but it effectively took down the entire thing. All I did was add an 'A' DNS on GoDaddy and it is giving me the below error - can anyone assist? ​ Thank you - ​ NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Subject: Issuer: rebrandly Expires on: Jul 22, 2028 Current date: Dec 28, 2018 PEM encoded chain: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC+jCCAeKgAwIBAgIITt4tGjHg89QwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQENBQAwFDESMBAGA1UE AwwJcmVicmFuZGx5MB4XDTE4MDcyMzAwMDAwMFoXDTI4MDcyMzAwMDAwMFowZjEW MBQGA1UEAwwNcmVicmFuZGx5LmNvbTESMBAGA1UECgwJUmVicmFuZGx5MQ8wDQYD VQQHDAZEdWJsaW4xDzANBgNVBAgMBkR1YmxpbjELMAkGA1UEBhMCSVIxCTAHBgNV BAsMADCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKNumJGqwIUVx80x dZNvIgCguIUTHy2VwdBLPpyG4VpKb/6nWyWDR9FQVdpThSqm9U3uT1V7uQ/Z1xFW gJoBixFPPDz7NNa9Vc8BQhtm/+C5Jw8gKRxNR1byovVWErR1qpUYvCFZkGBZAx+H +Ep75YEmAZCsyyESVUBJPe6qSujNHXMiFXwqhWNz45ChJafrF4pcMOjLUL11YmsZ /khg9QIJtIQ1HRy+XIG8EauZwSU8ag3G8Tbrkch8dwyYv/ZjFYZwL1+BCi4itgE/ NU...

7 inspiring email templates

Email is the most important tool marketers have for communicating with their clients and prospects. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

How to Choose a WordPress Plugin by @martinibuster

Important factors to consider before installing a WordPress plugin. The post How to Choose a WordPress Plugin by @martinibuster appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Adding a health category on my pets website

I have a website in the pets niche, and I was wondering if it is safe to have a health category. I know many health websites got hit in the August algorithm update, but would this extend to pets? I was hoping to write articles like these for example: Supplements (vitamin c for dogs) Are bananas safe for dogs Tendonitis in dogs Keeping your dogs warm in winter Arthritis in dogs How to prevent your dog from being sunburnt submitted by /u/DuckNorris7 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

What kind of approach would be best for an e-commerce website?

Hi guys, Recently I have built up a website for my e-commerce business which specifies in BMW styling/tuning parts, mainly carbon fiber parts. After creating the website for the first time, without previous experience, I discovered that, of course, there isn’t no traffic coming to website, that’s how I found out about SEO and am willing to learn. I do have read about the basic principles of SEO, but still find myself confused on how should I approach it and improve website’s ranking. The website itself is pretty young and I know that it is a process and takes time. I have already set up an on-page SEO, which helped some products to be found in Google. Also, I am trying to assign relevant keywords such as “bmw carbon parts” or “bmw styling components” to the website. I still have many questions on where should I start and which ways would be most effective. 1.For example, for an e-shop, is it worth it do a blog and for example post new product updates or post customers’ cars every w...

What negative SEO tactics should I be on the lookout for from a vengeful former employee?

Hi friends, To keep a long story short, a coworker recently had a disturbing altercation with a former employee that used to do SEO for us. This former employee also seems to have a grudge against our company. Our company has been struggling SEO-wise for most of the year. I can't help but think that this former employee might be doing some kind of negative SEO against us. But I can't think of anything that we wouldn't have already noticed. Do any of you have any ideas of what I should be on the lookout for? This former employee doesn't have access to any of our internal data or accounts. I just don't want to overlook anything. I want to make sure I check every little thing so that I can get comfortable enough to get this idea out of my head. Any ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! submitted by /u/ahh_knee [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Breaking into the SEO game

I've recently been trying to expand my horizons in writing content. I've been working off of upwork and am trying to establish myself in SEO jobs. ​ My question: ​ Are there any resources out there for me to SEO check a text document? I have the SEMrush plugin for google docs, which is great, but I need to make sure my content is to their 50-60% specifications. Free is a BIG plus. thank you all in advance. submitted by /u/jbergeon [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

White Background

Hello, I am Utpal Sarker from Dhaka Bangladesh. I'm a highly talented Professional (Photo Editor) Graphics Designer. I have more than 5 years experienced in working a European based Photo Editing company in Dhaka states of Bangladesh as a Quality Control (QC) Designer. Now I am working on the Fiverr. My aim satisfies you with my quality work. submitted by /u/sarker365 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

I am creating a website which has title,description & headings but when I check for SEO, all websites says that title, description & heading not found.

I am learning html & CSS. I created a dummy website design. When I check my website on different websites for SEO score. All of them states that Title, Description and Headings now found. I have entered all these properly. What could be possibly wrong? Mt site is submitted by /u/fredfost [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Robots.txt File Says Disallow:(Blank)

Disallow:(blank) in robots.txt file. I've never seen this before, but I have a feeling that this may be causing Google / Bing from looking at a website. I've run the robots.txt tester and it says allowed when putting a random URL in the tool, but I believe this line should be removed. Thoughts? submitted by /u/tmblast1 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Help with 400 and 404 error codes

Newbie here! Could use a little help if someone wouldn't mind. So I had this exit-intent popup that I removed from my site but after I deactivated and deleted it, when I go to my Yoast SEO plugin it shows me a 404 error code for it now: ​ /popupbuilder/exit-pop-up/ - December 26, 2018 - Error code 404 ​ I read that these 404 links can have a negative impact on my SEO and am trying to figure out how to remove this. Any tips? I've tried doing my research but I can't find the fix. ​ Also came across this error. /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php - December 25, 2018 - Error code 400 ​ How do I remove these from my site? Thank in advance! ​ submitted by /u/rzasloff91 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Google is publishing me because someone copied my content

I run a small website that does not have much influence. A big news website, 20 years old and very authoritative in my niche decided to copy and paste 800-1,000 word articles from my website and basically give me no credit at all. When I Google search the titles of my articles all I see is their copies of my articles and my own articles don't appear on Google at all. I contacted the owner of the news websites and he added links to my website underneath each article. Basically I'm getting quality backlinks but my articles are still absolutely buried in Google when I search for the titles. How come when someone copies content Google punishes the website that published it in the first place? That doesn't make sense. Are the good quality backlinks going to help my website rank overall even with the plagurism? submitted by /u/madDogVH [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Mueller: Focus your SEO on Google’s status quo

Sometimes it is a good idea to keep it simple with your web pages. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing


After entering the field of digital marketing and social media I've dealt with lots of new things and have been learning about them everyday. I just got a new client Huge car brand they want me to run a digital lead generation campaign on social media, Google search network, Google display network and email marketing and need around 300 leads. If you guys can explain to me or guide me where to start and how to do it? what's seo and how can I use it? and what budget should i ask them? I'm really sorry if I'm asking for too much because i actually prefer Reddit over Google and you guys are like jedis of this world. submitted by /u/nicehuman33 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Where & How to Get the Right Reviews for Your Business by @DholakiyaPratik

Here are the top review platforms you should use and some local SEO tips on how to best leverage them. The post Where & How to Get the Right Reviews for Your Business by @DholakiyaPratik appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Strange behavior with WordPress elementor

Good afternoon fine Reddit gentlemen, So I have quite an interesting thing going on. My website built in elementor page builder would often have a section made to show only on desktop and underneath the same section optimized for mobile and set to show on phones and tablets. Running woorank I had wtf moments when I saw that my tags go like H1-->H2-->H1--->-H2---->H3... because woorank doesn't play by Elementors rules and pulls out everything, not only mobile or desktop sections.. ​ So my question is if I was to make full sections on beginning on page writing text optimized for search engine (with meta tags, keywords...) and display it to neither mobile or desktop, would that thing fly? Would I see any SEO benefits? ​ Thanks for any comments. ​ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit my website at submitted by /u/Rohirrimus [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO...

Testing website - duplicate content?

Hey fellows! I have a testing website to try out new features before I include them in the real one. I entered "noindex" on all of the pages and don't have a sitemap. Therefore you don't find the pages on google but do I have do include any other tags because if I made a mistake obviously all the content would be duplicate content. I appreciate your help! Cheers! submitted by /u/SEOrookie7 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Why NAP & User Experience Are Crucial to Local SEO by @TaylorDanRW

Learn why Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) data consistency and user experience are both essential to local SEO success. The post Why NAP & User Experience Are Crucial to Local SEO by @TaylorDanRW appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Does HTML really matter for SEO?

Just looking at various websites through W3C editors and noticed that most companies are very bad at being compliant. Does it really matter? I think link, sentiment, bounce all play such a larger factor in the grand scheme of things. Of course page speed but I guess that relates to bounce. Any thoughts on the matter are appreciated. submitted by /u/twj6833 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Question regardin porn niche

Hello guys, Is anyone here into porn niche? I am curious about what laws to I need to oblige to, the laws where I host my website or the ones from the country I target? Or maybe it has something to do with the name when the domain was registered with the citizenship of that name? Any help will be greatly appreciated. submitted by /u/deezlici0us [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Brilliant Directories?

Hey all, I've lurked on r/seo for years and wondered if anyone could offer some advice for a project I have planned. I run a business in a niche part of the UK construction industry (carrying out the work itself) and plan to create a directory type website to help clients find local contractors in my spare time this year. My experience in web development is next to zero. Studied design sporadically in college with a small bit of HTML. I've done some branding and graphic design for businesses over the years - this is mostly a hobby for me but want to develop my skills further. I created the website for my own construction company using a simple site builder (no coding + not wordpress) and achieved some modest SEO goals over the course of a year (top ranking for London based keywords, fairly low competition). I've looked at some directory building solutions and Brilliant Directories has stood out so far. Does anyone have experience working with this software? Especially...

Does repetition of a keyword in URL affect the ranking??

In the website, we are adding a new section called "HIRE A DEVELOPER" in which there are subcategories like hire Magento developer, hire Laravel developers etc. Now we have 3 formats: Which one will an SEO friendly URL? is this a good format? Repeating the keyword in the URLaffect the Ranking? submitted by /u/ConnectMasterpiece3 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

How to find influencers for a specific niche with zero budget

I own a website that offers free tutorials but I don't have any backlinks. I want to get my content reached to influencers. But when I google it, SEO masters suggest buying software or plans to make backlinks or find people relevant to my niche. But I don't have money. Please suggest me free tools or websites in this regard i.e. find influencers, ahref type tools. Your help will be appreciated. submitted by /u/sherazaa [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Need Help in Website Content and want to target 3 countries through SEO

​ I Think to buy bought 3 domains. and after this i will add same content on all of three website. Then i want to rank these website in various countries like USA, India, and Australia with same keywords uses. Is that content called plagiarized ? or simply i will go with <link rel="canonical"> What should i choose? Suggest me what i can do? submitted by /u/wprodevs [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

5 SEO Factors to Monitor in 2019 by @martinibuster

Five SEO factors may improve your SEO strategy for 2019. The post 5 SEO Factors to Monitor in 2019 by @martinibuster appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

The SEO Elevator Pitch - Whiteboard Friday

Posted by KameronJenkins What is it you do again? It's a question every SEO has had to answer at some point, whether to your family members over the holidays or to the developer who will eventually implement your suggestions. If you don't have a solid elevator pitch for describing your job, this is the Whiteboard Friday for you! Learn how to craft a concise, succinct description of life as an SEO without jargon, policing, or acting like a superhero. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey guys, welcome to this week's edition of Whiteboard Friday. My name is Kameron Jenkins, and I work here at Moz. Today we're going to be talking about creating an SEO elevator pitch, what is it, why we need one, and what kind of prompted this whole idea for an SEO elevator pitch. So essentially, a couple of weeks ago, I was on Twitter and I saw John Mueller. He tweeted, "Hey, I meet with a lot of developers...

The SEO Elevator Pitch - Whiteboard Friday

Posted by KameronJenkins What is it you do again? It's a question every SEO has had to answer at some point, whether to your family members over the holidays or to the developer who will eventually implement your suggestions. If you don't have a solid elevator pitch for describing your job, this is the Whiteboard Friday for you! Learn how to craft a concise, succinct description of life as an SEO without jargon, policing, or acting like a superhero. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey guys, welcome to this week's edition of Whiteboard Friday. My name is Kameron Jenkins, and I work here at Moz. Today we're going to be talking about creating an SEO elevator pitch, what is it, why we need one, and what kind of prompted this whole idea for an SEO elevator pitch. So essentially, a couple of weeks ago, I was on Twitter and I saw John Mueller. He tweeted, "Hey, I meet with a lot of developers...

Dofollow Backlink Database!

Hey SEO fam, Got something I think you guys will like... Did you know you can find dofollow backlink databases with Google? For example - try Googling this: "dofollow" | "link building" -template filetype:xlsx | filetype:xls | filetype:csv Have fun! submitted by /u/prakashmatre [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

What is Recaptcha V3 and how it works?

Hello Friends, I read a lot but couldn't found about Recaptcha v3 how it works. as I read it was said that it will not appear to the users but will identify the bot and human. how I don't understand any clue anybody have please comment submitted by /u/pawankum84 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

How can I start the SEO work for mechanical workshop software related website?

I have created some SEO strategies for that domain. I want to do a business listing, classified ads, profile creation, blogging. Please suggest me which kind of techniques and link building activities will work to do the best. submitted by /u/Kosha_Shah [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Terrible opportunity for an SEO shop or freelancer

I read a post on here the other day where a guy shared his pricing for SEO and everyone described the terrible clients he was going to get. Those clients sounded a lot like us. We are looking for some SEO help from either a freelancer or small shop. We are going to have super high expectations on a shit budget. Sound appealing? Keep reading... Here's the deal; Our budget is $1000 a month (preferably less). Our goals are pretty simple; we are looking to improve traffic and create better conversion once people arrive at our site. We are a B2B service provider that ranks page one locally for a couple of critical keywords but there is just not a ton of search volume so we want to expand our keywords and reach. We don't have geographic boundaries since many of our offerings are SaaS. We have been in business for about four years and have some decent local online presence via LinkedIn and Google. We are on Wordpress and are currently migrating from an old theme to Avada. We ...

Any SEO tips for a freelance web designer?

Maybe I drank too much eggnog, but I can't find a decent article about how a freelance web designer can start implementing SEO strategies to be discovered. ​ Could anyone help with some tips to start? ​ I've been freelance web designing for about 5 years and making sales via word-of-mouth. I have a small portfolio site with a few blog articles, but ready to put more efforts on content creation. Recently I moved to France (originally from USA) b/c of wife's job and so I'm thinking I could go for long-term keywords like "English web designer France" or something like that to get some more rapid ranking in search engines....although I don't know if people would even search that. If I look at my client list, they are sort of all over the place from educators, consultants to tech companies. ​ I guess I'm trying to determine: Should I focus on local SEO early and then focus on an industry? Should I write one long page related to "freelance web...

Image search ranking tips?

Hello everyone I have a client who’s looking to show up in Google image search results. I have submitted to a lot of high with already image sharing sites. However I don’t think this will do the trick so well. I am now building contextual back links o tip of it. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for this. I have the XMP data in the images and even do all the alt attribution etc. submitted by /u/eckoraphi [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Why is google analytics so terrible? I have different results between Hotjar, Clicky and Analytics.

Analytics has shown 2 visitors for yesterday, with an average of 00:00:01 time spent on site, from facebook. Yet I know that 2 visitors looked at my page and can see on Hotjar and Clicky, that they spent nearly 5 minutes each , and could not have been from facebook (as I took my ads down temporarily, and my page is fairly empty). My tracking JavaScript etc is working fine so how goddamn hard is it for Google Analytics to show some accurate (or even close to accurate) results? Thoughts? submitted by /u/makin-games [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Wordpress > Magento - Will my SEO suffer?

I'm a digital marketing specialist working for an e-commerce site. My company wants to move from WP to Magento. I love Wordpress and we just did a HUGE SEO overhaul so I'm really sad to see all my hard work be for almost nothing and now I have to learn how to use Magento. Does anyone here have experience with it? Would love to hear some pros, cons, and tips/best practices. submitted by /u/tacobellfucksauce [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

College junior looking to digital marketing for potential career

Hey guys, Happy Holidays! I’m currently a junior in college majoring in Political Economy. I like my major but the job prospects aren’t too appealing to me (it seems like it’s either grad school, Law School, teaching abroad, etc.). I’m starting to worry a little bit because I need to find an internship this summer and don’t know what to look for. Last summer I did legal research for my University’s Law School and also helped Law students with writing projects. It was great, but I’m afraid it just prepared me more for Law School than anything else. Anyway, digital marketing / SEO-related work seems like a good path for me: in fairy confident in my ability to learn the technical aspects, and writing has long been one of my strong suits. However, I’m worried because I feel like I’m a bit screwed time wise. I feel that there’s not too much time to learn if I start now in order to get an internship this summer. Is it possible? What are the steps I should take after reading guides like M...

Year in Review: Top 10 expert PPC columns of 2018

Here’s a roundup of the most read paid search columns this year. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing