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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to outsource my SEO

Hi guys, i have started a new Ecom business based in Aus and I am not to familiar with SEO myself(I am more focused on FB). I have looked on Upwork to outsource SEO but have no idea how to really tell apart who can do an amazing job or not. I don't have a budget but just would like someone with quality work who can bring me traffic. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. submitted by /u/Life_Web [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Crawl Rate is Decreasing

My site crawl rate firstly increased significantly and then dropped. Can anyone tell what can be the reasons? submitted by /u/Tanzila_mehwish [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Structured Data Google Penalties – 5 Mistakes to Avoid by @martinibuster

Five simple tips to avoid a Google penalty from your Structured Data. The post Structured Data Google Penalties – 5 Mistakes to Avoid by @martinibuster appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

SEO forcing system, is that legal?

I'm a software developer and now im starting to work as a web developer freelancer. In the way it cross on my way an annoucement about a SEO forcing system called 'Super SEO', the guy who invented the system claims thats he invented an algorithm to force websites to appear on the first position or at least on the first page of any web search engine (google, bing, yahoo and maybe others) but also doing the opposite like taking down any page of the search engine just by putting the 'nofollow' metatag. How? He's resilent to show the algorithm but says that have some servers around the world which make the job along with the robots meta tag My real question is: Is that legal in the eyes of Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other companies? Because since im not an expert I know the rules of making at least a descent SEO without compromise anything that could do a bad SEO (keywords, H1, title, description, paragraphs, sitemap) but for me this is like a Pay 2 Win game and...

Bing Ads Introduces Recurring Insertion Orders by @MattGSouthern

Bing Ads advertisers can now create insertion orders that automatically renew after a set period of time. The post Bing Ads Introduces Recurring Insertion Orders by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Google Redesigns the Hotel Search Experience on Desktop by @MattGSouthern

Google is rolling out a redesigned hotel search experience on desktop, which mirrors the redesign introduced to mobile search. The post Google Redesigns the Hotel Search Experience on Desktop by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

hey brothers i need your help !

Please Guys i need your help , i want to know exactly if google adsense accept to add new websites ? , because i read that they must review the new website and they see if they accpt or not ! , i don't have any traffic or content in this new website . submitted by /u/KazimTec [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Google Ads Introduces “New vs. Returning” Store Visits Segmentation by @MattGSouthern

Google Ads advertisers who measure store visits can now utilize a "New vs Returning" segmentation. The post Google Ads Introduces “New vs. Returning” Store Visits Segmentation by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Outreach SEO

looking to connect with other sweepstakes/contest/money bloggers... drop me a line if you want to make some $$ [ ](mailto: ) :) submitted by /u/moneyking22likes [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

SearchCap: SEO for Google Home Hub, Google Ads segmentation & Bing Ads insertion orders

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

What is a snippet?

The snippet is a single search result in a set of search results and generally consists of a title, a URL and a description of the page. The content of a snippet matches parts of the search query and you’ll see your keyword highlighted in the snippet description. Search engines often use pieces of your content to fill in the parts that make up the snippet. In most cases, search engines determine the best possible snippet for you, but you can try to override that by adding a meta description to your page. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into what is a snippet. A snippet as found on a search result page The snippet is one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate. This is the doorway to your site, and you should make it as enticing as possible. You need people to click your link — without misleading them, of course. While search engines have the last say in how these snippets appear, you can give them options. If they deem these worthy, they’ll use it. Even Googles John Muel...

Best practices for tag management and governance

Live Webinar: Thursday, November 8, at 1:00 PM ET (10:00 AM PT) Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Client changed their business name and domain due to a trademark infringement dispute. How to transfer over GMB that has excellent reviews?

What is the best way to transfer this over to the new name and domain? The physical address is not changing. edit: I feel like just changing the business name and domain address is too easy since, it's Google. submitted by /u/vendetta4guitar [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

How to promote hosting affiliate link?

Recently I signed up in a hosting company for the affiliate. I want to promote their product/service. Which way or how to promote their affiliate link without a website? What is the strategy? submitted by /u/nafrifat [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Penalties and Black-Hat SEO - rank product

If you’re found to be in violation of webmaster guidelines, it is likely that you’ll be given a penalty by the search engines. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the penalty can last from a few weeks to several months or until the problem is completely fixed. There have been some very public examples of large companies being penalized by Google for violating their guidelines. submitted by /u/Mugdha52 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Twitter Doubling its Character Limit from 140 to 280 Has Not Led to Longer Tweets by @MattGSouthern

It has been a year since Twitter doubled its character limit from 140 to 280. Here's what has changed. The post Twitter Doubling its Character Limit from 140 to 280 Has Not Led to Longer Tweets by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Stop backlink checkers following 301 domain

Hi all, So I want to 301 redirect an old domain to a different domain. I do not want my competitors to see that I have done this. How would I stop backlink checkers from following this 301 redirect but allow Google bot to see it? Cheers submitted by /u/ftblryan [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Number of keywords on page 1 drops drastically but impressions and clicks remain the same

So I am kind of new to SEO I hope I write everything which is important, so here is some background information Hey I've looked at different pages of one of my domains and many of them have keywords that climb on page 1 from over 200 to under 100 within a week and stay there for the next weeks. The impressions and clicks remain the same or rise a bit, also average position has no hard change. These are keywords that don't have a high search volume and don't generate any traffic anyway. Nevertheless, I wondered what was happening. Does google clean up keywords that are hardly used or something? Or is it something else? Would be great if one of you had an answer ready. Cheers ​ submitted by /u/ScalesyourGrid [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

The impact of ‘close variants’ in exact match types

A look at 4 ways Google Ads Scripts can help restore control for some advertisers. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Next SEO Level for my forum?

Hey reddit, ​ since about 6 months I have a pretty successfull forum with about 5k unique visitors every day. I get about 1.9k-2.1k daily SEO traffic, which is really good. I started pretty small from multiple hundreds SEO searches per day, bought some backlinks months ago and now I'm at this point. However since a 1-2 month's my daily SEO traffic pretty much settled around the 2k mark. What would be the next step to make sure I can maybe double these numbers? I know from a competitor, which has the same niche(s) in his forum, that he get's about 15k-20k daily visitors from google. But they are already on the market for more than 3 years. ​ I compared our both backlink statistics and they have waaay more backlinks than I do. ​ Would the best choice to purchase some quality backlinks on a continuous basis? My On-Page optimization seems pretty good, I guess to reach the next level I have to work on the off-page things. ​ Let me know what you think :) Thanks! ...

Bing Ads launches the ability to create recurring IOs

Recurring insertion orders are designed to streamline the IO process. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

How long did you take before you start making money from SEO?

Hey, just curious, I'd really like to know how long did you guys take before you start making good money by doing SEO? How many sites you ranked but did not make a cent for you? I am new to this field, like half a year...the beginning is really a pain.. Want to hear from you. :) submitted by /u/Spencer-Wong [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

24 DA technology site that accept guest post free

townoftech/com accepts guest posting in the niche if it`s a good quality (must be good quality ) just create an account and you will write the post your self on (Write for us ) section and submit it for review submitted by /u/MrJiingles [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Use Cases within SEO for SQL

I was wondering what the main, maybe top 5, use cases are for knowing SQL aside from Excel struggling to manipulate large amounts of data. submitted by /u/Hanehan17 [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Her'es Some SEO Copywriting Tips That I've Accumulated For a Few Years

Note: All of these tips are for people who want to rank without needing to participate in bullshit link building schemes. I’ve spent many years ranking websites on Google without spending my time building a link. Write based on authoritative sources and mention similar info. If you’re targeting two different subjects in one page like (cats + sweaters) try to find information defining both of those things. I remember when I first saw someone ranking for SEO Company USA, they had a blog talking about how the US elections affected search rankings and thus they became more relevant. For local SEO copywriting you will use a similar technique, except your two combined subjects will be (cats + area) the more you can mention about the area you are in the better you will do. Example, the time I ranked in Maryland for SEO with one page and no link building. Write based off averages, use a tool like Bench Marketer to help you determine how many words you need in your copy. Use Cognit...

19 SEO Horror Stories That Will Scare the Hell Out of You by @alextachalova

19 SEO experts share about the most terrifying SEO horror stories that they had ever faced in their career. The post 19 SEO Horror Stories That Will Scare the Hell Out of You by @alextachalova appeared first on Search Engine Journal . from Search Engine Journal

Creating An Internal Link Profile

Hey guys! I just took over an SEO campaign, and had a question. So my client's website has a bunch of articles relating to a service that they provide. (About 15 or so for this topic) They didn't set up any internal links from the articles to the main service page. So here's my question. I know that I need to setup links with keyword-rich anchor text that link back to the main service page. Now, do I also need to make sure that my main service page has links pointing back to the articles? Do I need the links to travel forward and backward? With 20 different articles, I don't want to spam my users who are on my main service page. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! submitted by /u/Easypeck [link] [comments] from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News

Google Home Hub: An SEO perspective

It might be time to start focusing more on creating YouTube videos for your content with the release of the Google Home Hub. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. from Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing