Our Google business listing has been verified for 2 months now. It shows the business hours, website, local phone number and a detailed description. We have 5 positive reviews on Google. We also have 52 additional (positive) reviews from 3 different websites linked on the listing. It has about a dozen pictures + a 360 tour uploaded. I've made 2 high quality posts on it including images and detailed text. Our website has an embedded Google map with the location on it.
We also have 150+ citations all using the same name, website, address, phone number, business info, etc. I've added pictures wherever possible. I have recently paid someone to also add 200 live Google Map citations.
Am I missing something here?
Technically, we show up as #1... as a paid Google Ads provider.
But organically, the 1st and 2nd results are both the same person - using his personal name for one listing and his company name for the other. (How is that even allowed?)
The 3rd result on Google Maps has 1 review, no website, business hours, description or pictures on his listing.
There are at least 2 other listings that show up before ours - with no reviews, pictures, websites, business hours, descriptions...
Our business is on the same avenue as #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in case that matters. We're just a few blocks away. We are the #5 result in Google searches using the same keywords (on pages), but not on Google Maps.
Why is it that other much less appealing listings are shown before ours? What can we do to optimize this further and appear higher?
I appreciate your input and any advice that you'd be willing to share.
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