So I've built a site with seven pages, one of which is a static home page. I want to optimise for "wedding dresses London" (and surrounding areas). The homepage slug is just "home". Should I leave the slug as it is?
And, for other pages, would it make sense to optimise each page for variations of "wedding dresses London"? e.g.
- "wedding dress London"
- "wedding dresses Hammersmith"
- "bridal gowns London"
- "wedding dress Fulham"
- "wedding dress Chiswick"
- etc.?
- Two of the pages are just "terms and conditions" and "privacy policy". Does it make sense NOT to optimise them for any of these terms?
My apologies if this is a real beginnner's post. Got to start somewhere! I did try to Google this but nothing seemed to clear up these issues but if I've missed a good tutorial let me know. Thanks
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