You must have heard of the name GOOGLE LENS- Gooogle's best image recognition AI algorithm- google has started laying its more focus on images and videos.
Now you must be thinking what is this reverse imaging? Come let's dive in and learn about reverse imaging and what all unique things we can do with google lens?
Consider you painted a portrait a long time ago by looking at some random image on google. Now, after a long time, you found that portrait stashed somewhere in the storage room and now you get curious about the source of that portrait.
You tried everything at your disposal to look for the image but failed. Now, what exactly you should have done?
You should have opened google lens. Clicked the photo of the portrait through google lens. Surprise!! You have found the source of the portrait. Isn't it very helpful? You can do a lot of good stuff through the google lens reverse imaging feature.
Google reverse imaging was just the beginning. Now you can enter images into google to obtain the context and details about the image. If you trekking into a wild forest, you found a plant that according to you is eatable but for your confirmation, you can click the image of the plant through google lens and you will receive all the details related to that plant.
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