I have a blog and there's somebody who repeatedly files false copyright notices against my blog. I've filed counter-claims when they did it with Google and it seemed to resolve matters.
Now my site is gone from Bing and DuckDuckGo. I used to get a lot of traffic from them and now I'm getting nothing. I'm also getting far less traffic from Google. The site seems to be indexed on Google but only two links. When I enter my site into the search for Bing and DuckDuckGo, there are no results. This all happened suddenly.
How can I find out what these DMCA notices are and file a counter-claim? With Google there's Lumen but that's just for Google.
Or if it's not a copyright claim, how can I find out what it is and resolve the issue? My blog has been up for years and there's no copyrighted material on it or porn or anything like this.
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