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Core Web Vitals Optimization Checklist (27 tips)

Dear Redditors! We've put together the most important steps needed to help you pass the Core Web Vitals assessment and make your website smooth and fast. Hope you find this checklist helpful.

Server optimization:
Upgrade to a faster server
Route users to a nearby CDN
Apply a server-side cache
Serve HTML pages cache-first

CSS optimization:
Minify CSS
Defer non-critical CSS
Inline critical CSS
Consolidate CSS аiles and сode
Optimize CSS delivery

JavaScript optimization:
Minify and compress JS files
Defer unused JavaScripts
Minimize unused polyfills
Use Google hosted JS whenever possible

Image optimization:
Avoid using an image as the main piece of content in the viewport
Compress images
Use responsive images
Consider using an image CDN
Implement the lazy loading

Video optimization:
Use image placeholders for video thumbnails
Push videos below the fold
Replace animated GIFs with videos
Preload videos

Font and icon optimization:
Preload fonts
Use a limited amount of fonts
Switch to using SVGs instead of usual icons

Additional optimization:
Establish third-party connections early
Remove loading icons and spinners when possible

Did we miss anything? Feel free to write your tips in the comments below.

submitted by /u/seopowersuite
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