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(How) Would you leverage a high-authority (PBN-like) network of sites to rank new properties?

We have the following constellation:

  • ~15 properties with non-trivial organic traffic
  • distributed in 4 languages
  • all focused around the same topic but with a minimum of 3 skews per language
  • for now consider the skews being a comparison site, an e-commerce site, and a news site
  • AHrefs DR of the sites is between 25-40


  • we are launching 3 new languages (brand new domains) with 3 new websites each (total of 9)

The question:

  • Would you and if so how would you leverage your existing website ecosystem to rank the new sites over time? Concretely I can think of the questions
  • Would you pace setting links vs making them all language footer links at launch?
  • Would you want to link from the HP, potentially content relevant sub pages, or both?
  • Where would you place the links? Footer, vs language dropdown, vs sidebar, vs more curated in between content
  • Would you cross link across all soon to be 24 properties or potentially set a path based on current traffic/ranking potential?

Would love to see the creativity of this community and how you would approach as well as what you would expect to happen. Definitely committed to sharing back results if there is quality input.

submitted by /u/pppez80
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