Canceled an interview because I felt the exercise was unrealistic based on the tools available and the expected time to complete it.
Below is what they asked me to do. I felt that if I spent the 2 hours or less doing this what I would provide wouldn't be sufficient enough compared to what they were looking for. I'm ok if a company tells me to look at a page and give some thoughts on ways I could improve it, etc. But I don't even have access to any paid tools, so my keyword and backlink analysis would be crap. Was I wrong to cancel on them, or do you guys think I made the right decision?
This Assessment covers the three core areas of SEO: content, technical, and outreach (link building). The
Assessment represents the main aspects of what it means to be a SEO Analyst at our agency. This
will give you a better sense of the work you’ll be doing while also showing us how you approach SEO.
Content Optimization, Technical Analysis, and Links
You have joined our agency and are creating a strategy brief for vonlanes dot com, a
hypothetical client that just started with us. Their goal is to grow their organic channel. Your job is to create
and present a preliminary SEO strategy that will best achieve their goals. Use the questions below as a
guide, but feel free to be creative in your approach to their opportunities. This is not meant to be a
comprehensive SEO Strategy but an overview of high-value opportunities as you see them.
Presentation Format
Prepare a preliminary strategy presentation that outlines your SEO approach for the client.
The audience is the client.
● We recommend no more than 15 slides. It shouldn’t take longer than 15-20 minutes to present.
● Include supporting data and information that showcases your thought process.
● You are welcome to use Google Slides, PowerPoint, or a presentation platform of your choice.
● We respect your time; we recommend you limit yourself to 2 hours on this exercise.
Content Optimization
Your strategy should include recommended keywords, suggested content fixes or opportunities, and
address the competitive landscape.
● What keyword themes offer the best opportunity and why?
● What topical gaps exist, if any, in the content of the website?
● What are 2-3 recommendations you would have for a specific page or two for onsite content?
Technical Analysis
Your strategy should include recommendations on technical SEO as it pertains to crawling and indexing.
● What recommendations would you make to their robots.txt or sitemap (if applicable)?
● What issues, if any, are affecting what is showing up in the index? Are pages showing up that
shouldn’t or vice-versa?
● Are there any opportunities for the site/URL structure?
● What issues, if any, exist in relationship tags (canonicals, hreflang)?
● What recommendations, if any, would you make regarding structured data?
● What recommendations would you make concerning site speed?
Outreach / Link Building
Your strategy should include ideas on how the website can gain quality backlinks.
● What are 1-2 ideas you have to help the site gain relevant links?
● Are there any inbound links that may affect performance?
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