I represent a popular news content site, and we produce a large amount of unique author-generated articles.
We have been working diligently on improving IT and site speed issues and have reached the following position:
All content on our site is passing Google Webvitals on both mobile and desktop - with the exception of our DISQUS comment threads. These threads by nature of DISQUS' technology do not pass CLS and LCP (in some cases).
So we are sitting at about a 95% webvitals passing ratio for the entire site and are left with two choices.
- Accept the failing webvitals on the comment threads, but keep them.
- set all the comment threads to NOINDEX, which will bring our webvitals passing rate up to 100% for the site.
However Google has mentioned there is a "positive effect" to having user generated comments on a content site and that sites should not remove them and not expect to see some type of negative effect from the algo.
What do you think the correct solution is? The big question is which is more important - getting a perfect webvitals score, or having user comments visible to google?
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