Hello all, i wish you a happy new year! TL;DR: I share lecture notes for university students and i use the same keyword for every post a have about a lecture. I have 8-10 post with "general pyhsics lecture notes" because they are what they are, general pyhsics lecture notes. Is this a very bad strategy and what can i do instead? I have a website that i share lecture notes for a specific area. Let's say it's engineering. I use categories and divide the notes by semester and lecture. So the lecture notes page for General Pyhsics looks like this: ... com/semester-1/general-pyhsics-lecture-notes I post every general pyhsics lecture note under this page and since they are all general physics lecture notes, i use the same keyword for every general pyhsics lecture note i post. Every post is a lecture note, every lecture note for the same lecture has the same keyword. Before last google update everything was fine and i ranked #1 or #2 for all my keywords. Now even though...