Our Google business listing has been verified for 2 months now. It shows the business hours, website, local phone number and a detailed description. We have 5 positive reviews on Google. We also have 52 additional (positive) reviews from 3 different websites linked on the listing. It has about a dozen pictures + a 360 tour uploaded. I've made 2 high quality posts on it including images and detailed text. Our website has an embedded Google map with the location on it. We also have 150+ citations all using the same name, website, address, phone number, business info, etc. I've added pictures wherever possible. I have recently paid someone to also add 200 live Google Map citations. Am I missing something here? Technically, we show up as #1... as a paid Google Ads provider. But organically, the 1st and 2nd results are both the same person - using his personal name for one listing and his company name for the other. (How is that even allowed?) The 3rd result on Google Maps has...