So... I am working on a new project and one of the ideas I have are quotes , no one does it in our niche and I see one huge plus in the long run. How does Google look at those "inspirational quotes", does anyone have experience with that? This is how it will go: 1. Find Quotes 2. Copy Text From Quotes 3. Translate 4. Create New Image With Translated Quotes [mix it] 5. Share Mostly we will have our original inspirational quotes , but since we use 5 social networks + site, I need to post something new every day, there will come a time when I will have to copy some other quotes. In that case, I would just copy the words, everything else I do personally. So, I am not copying the whole already done a picture with the quote, but only the words + translate. Will Google be like, Hell Nah, or...? Plus, I have to add that it's not English, so everything will be translated into our language. I've already done some 50 quotes, mostly these are our original ideas but ...