I created a WordPress site for 1-2 months now, it was completely finished but just had it sit there being useless, the previous week i decided to work on its SEO since i had 0 SEO optimization for it, i researched keywords seen how other competitors do it, optimized the content around those keywords, optimized how it appears on search engines, fixed the performance, pretty much anything that can help it rank better on google. And so i far i think i did a pretty good job although I'm not a professional, i had Yoast SEO to help me and i have everything it suggests for improvements done correctly. Obviously, there probably are some more technical SEO improvements to be done that I'm not aware of but so far i think its alright, and i optimized everything well around my keywords. So finally the question, how long till it gets re-indexed by google from the new SEO settings and adjustments i have done to the whole website? I did submit its sitemap and connected it to google overvie...