Background: Our website has thousands of blog posts, many of them are on similar topics, or have the same keywords, and are serving the same search intent, which I would like to consolidate these into the page that is ranking the highest. And then we have some content which is just incredibly outdated, and is no longer relevant to our business (i.e. the feature has been deprecated or something like that). And then there's content that just never went anywhere. It lives on the blog, but gets no views, and isn't ever seen by anyone, and it doesn't rank. Because it's such a large website, what i want to do is create a content scoring system, that would help me determine which pages or blog posts to keep, which need to be optimized, and which need to be deleted and redirected. I am thinking of some kind of point system, whereby each post is assigned a value for things like number of backlinks, ranking, organic traffic, date last updated, conversions.. Then the combinat...